Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Pond Life...

What a fun week exploring nature! We discussed living and non-living and the life cycle of some pond creatures.

Gumby had some fun adventures with this guy! 

You may hear your kiddos chanting this poem at home! 

This story has a powerful message, "You can do anything you put your mind to!"
So we made some "Frank the Frog(s)" of our own. I know these kiddos can do ANYTHING they put their minds too!

Great work my sweet friends!
Next we learned about the life cycle of a frog.

When we finished reading the story we made a life cycle wheel.

Great job sweet buddy!
For math we played "slap the number" Mrs. Trina laid out 3 numbers..she would call out the number and the kiddos would slap the number she called out. This is a great way to teach number recognition. 

I've got it!!!
We also used pattern blocks to make animals that live in a pond. This was a great activity for so many reasons...fine motor skills (picking up the pieces), identifying colors and shapes, and being able to manipulate the shapes to make the animal.

hard at work!

Super work sweet girl!

Pond exploration

We began the day by reading this super fun book. We discussed living and non-living creatures. One thing you can do at home that I did not do at school is create a mason jar pond. Fill the jar with rocks, dirt, sticks, leaves, water, worms, frogs...and let the kiddos investigate it!

Our hand print ducks. It never gets old painting these sweet little hands. They always smile and giggle and tell me that it tickles!

gluing on that google eye...

gotta add those feathers!

Perfect work sweet friends!

Dot that Qq...

Next we ordered the life cycle of a duck...Which came first the duck or the egg? 

We then made life cycle wheels.

They all knew what came next...
Next we revisited the life cycle of a frog and discussed the words, "first, second, third, and fourth"

We then worked on scissor cutting and how we hold scissors. 
He did this all on his own!

Finally we did a living and non-living picture sort.

This smart buddy knew that rocks are not living!

Great job smart friends!
 What a fun week! I can't wait to see what we will get into next week!

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