Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Pumpkins, Pumpkins, Pumpkins!

 Pumpkins, Pumpkins, Pumpkins! This week there was so many neat things to do with our theme! We began the week with a prediction...Will a pumpkin sink or float. We discussed what sinking was by dropping a quarter into the bin of water...and floating by dropping a sponge.

I think it will float!

The stem broke off as I was putting the pumpkin in...we got a bit wet!

And it floats!

Big Book time with Pumpkin, Pumpkin

Gourd and Pumpkin Art

Next we predicted the circumfrence of a pumpkin. I demonstrated what that meant.

The kiddos got to pick a length of string and had me cut it. They then tested their strings to see if it was too long, too short, or just right.

Too Long!

Too Short

Too Short.

Just Right!

We placed our strings where they belong...

We discussed our predictions...

Our second just right!

We then did some math with our predictions.

Great work!
Math puzzle matching with pumpkins of course!

Time for counting out pumpkin seeds!

We love big book circle time, Pumpkin Harvest

We learned about the life cycle of pumpkins

Let's sequence the pumpkin's life cycle!

The seed comes first... know just what comes next!

I did it! What a perfect pumpkin (her and her work!)

We got to cut open a pumpkin and take a looksie at its insides...

What to think..."eeeewwwww" was a common first response!

How does it feel?

proceed with caution!

My turn!

Retelling of our 5 Little Pumpkin poem

And they rolled away!

A pumpkin seed taste test...

A few were afraid to try...but not this guy!

He did not like it...

She loved it...

He didn't want to try it...

A bit of water colors for our Jack-o-Lanterns!

Great Sharing!

Hmmmm...What to write about...I did so many things today!

Journal Writing...An end to a Perfect Pumpkin Week!

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