Monday, February 24, 2020

Jan Brett

This is always a fun week to explore. We learn a lot about Jan Brett and her signature “hint” on each page. We focused on 2 of my favorite stories, The Hat and The mitten. We had lots of fun retelling each of these books in our own words. Story retelling is one of the first stages of reading/comprehension. I think they had the most fun retelling the mitten with the use of props and a parachute!
For our letter we worked on the letter Hh. We did our letter hunt and had fun using a q-tip to make the letter Hh. We are continuing to work on building our names as well...this is something you can do at home (magnetic letters, noodles, sand writing, yarn, stamps).
For our number sense we are continuing to work with numbers 0-10. We are working on 1:1 counting and understanding the value of each number. This week we had fun sequencing the book, The Hat using ordinals.
For fine motor we added mosaic tiles to a hat during craft time and laced a mitten during independent time. The kiddos also painted a hedgehog of their own.
Some other fun and educational activities we did was ordering mittens from biggest to smallest and color sorting as well. These may seem like simple tasks but they are great brain exercises!
Gumby and Pokey are off to a great start. The our first two kiddos had so much fun sharing their adventures. I am looking forward to seeing what next brings.
We are finishing up with our bible verse this week with the focus of Loving others as God loves us. We pray about this everyday before snack.

This week ask your child to try and...
1. Make their name using magnetic letters
2. Count to 20
3. Using 1:1 counting count out 10 items
4. Find different shapes around the house (square, diamond, rectangle, circle, oval, etc)

Sharing our Gumby and Pokey adventures!

Dr. Seth came to tel us how to take care of our teeth...he even left us with some goodies!

What could fit in our mitten?

Mitten lacing time! A great fine motor skill

organizing from biggest to smallest

Mrs. Jennifer loving on a sweet and shy boy...

Great job friends

Making Hedgie from the story, The Mitten

3 sweet princess!

Free play! 

q-tip painting...a fun fine motor skill

weekly letter hunt

sequencing with ordinals

color sorting

making a hat from the book, The Hat

Going on a shopping spree

So sweet!

Love this face!

Mrs. Paula's class paying us a visit with a Presidential March

Story retelling the book, The Mitten

The owl squeezed in...

Our mitten is full

Until...the mouse made the bear sneeze...

Now for some parachute fun!!

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