Sunday, January 29, 2017

3, 2, 1 Blast off!

Space! I could spend weeks on this theme! We blasted off into space and learned so many great facts, had fun with crafts, and learned about the number 7 and letter Uu. I also passed out learning rings, sent home a new book from our author study, and learned that God set the moons and stars in place for us!

Pokey and Gumby Selfies!

Making moons of our own!
The paint includes: glue, flour, and white paint.

They added their very own craters!

Sending home moons and moon pies!

Trying some yummy space food!

What??!! This ice cream isn't cold!

We really studied our names and the letter it begins with...I had the kiddos trace their first letter several times!

Peeling these tiny stickers was such hard work. In fact is was so hard...I had to modify it!
This happens sometimes...just have to be flexible!

So this was my modification...we went from peeling stickers to picking up stars! Still hard work for those sweet fingers!

Looking at space cards!

Moon Dough time!

smelling some baby oil!

Our concoction!

super soft!

The kiddos loved this! It appeals to their touch sense!

Order rockets...big to small

We blasted off with astronaut Laura

This handsome guy wore the perfect shirt!

Making the sun!

Smearing the paint around makes it look like the fiery gases the sun has!

Now on to the Earth...Messy but fun.
We talked about the green was the land and the blue was the water. They then sprayed their coffee filters to make it look more like Earth.

Rocket ship names. I have mentioned before we will be spending a lot of time working on our names from this point on out. You are going to see major growth here! Most know what their name begins with...we will focus on the letters in their name and the proper order those letters go in...the next step is writing/tracing their name.

What a group!!

We learned about constellations...and talked about the Big Dipper. You can see the Big Dipper all year long in the sky! We also learned that it has 7 stars!

Our independent activity has great fine motor skills!

They colored these and I took a quick picture of each of their sweet faces...I will be adding those faces in and sending them home! We had a "BLAST" this week!

Sunday, January 22, 2017

Snow & Ice

Although we didn't have any snow and ice on the ground (not that I am complaining) we found fun ways to explore the theme. We worked on the letter Ii and the number 6...I also completed the assessments over what we have covered.

Gone with Gumby adventures! Gumby experience yummy food and snakes!

Adventures with Pokey! Pokey had fun building with magnetic blocks and trying on this sweet boy's new glasses!

We read a sweet story about a snowman, Snowden...and then made a magical snowman of our own...

Making crystals!

We examined them and then had to wait for our crystals to grow overnight.

Working on ordering our names. I gave the kiddos the letters of their names and they had to put them in order. This activity I was able to modify as needed for the kiddos needs. Some were able to do this entirely on their own...others had to have me write out their name so they could match the letters to it. 

Making ice fizz!

Smelling vinegar! 

We could see the ice fizz by adding the food coloring...we also could hear it!

Look at all those bubbles!!

Who knew ice could be so much fun??

We read, Sneezey Snowman then we made a melted snowman of our own! And explained how it melted! Super cute!  The kiddos had to count out 1 nose, 2 eyes, and 3 buttons. This was an awesome way for me to check their simple direction following and counting. They rocked it!

Just look at those blocks! Great job sweet friends!

Our sweet snack guy this week brought in icy Popsicles! We got to enjoy them outside!

What!?!?!? There are worms!??! Let's take a closer look!

We aren't scared of no worms!

Pretending they are mama and baby worms!

Painting ice!

beading 6-sided snowflakes...such a great fine motor task and the kids loved it!

Here I laid out "snowflakes" that the kiddos had to add to their snowman. The trick here was they had to count out 6 snowflakes...on their own. I was able to check their counting skills and the understanding of the number 6.

Exploring the crystals we made the day before!

They love science!
What a fun week exploring so many things! I love fostering their love of learning!