Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Snow and Ice

What a fun week to explore ice and snow. There were so many fun and interesting things we were abe to do! We worked on the letter Ii and the number 7. We continued with the bible study that God is good, we need him, and he is our friend (How awesome is that!!).

At home continue working on counting to 25, 1:1 counting 8 objects, verbally spelling our name and maybe even ordering the letters of our name to make our name.

Adding 8 "snowflakes" to our snowman scene

Great 1:1 counting!

After reading, Sneezy Snowman We talked about what made our snowman melt...and made a fun melted snowman ourselves!

Our sweet construction man!

Let's make some crystals!

Melting ice with warm water and water droppers

They couldn't get enough of this fun and messy sensory activity!

Building our names with snowballs. Our kiddos are at so many different levels and that is OK! Some can order and spell and some need some assistance by me writing their name and then they match the snowball letter to the paper. Only practice and revisiting it will help them continue to grow!  I have done this activity a few times now and have seen so much growth already!

Wishing the happiest of birthdays to this sweet gal! She is full of love and spirit!

Snowman fingers!

Our crystals are growing! We will revisit them again this week.

beading snowflakes. Did you know that most snowflakes have 6 sides!!??
We also learned that no 2 snowflakes are alike...just like us! God made the tiniest of things unique! How beautiful he has made our world.

Such a great fine motor skill! Great job buddy!

What a great week! This week we are going to Space!

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