Sunday, August 28, 2016

Friends & Family

What another great week...our school year is off to an amazing start! This week we learned about the letter Ff and continued with the number 1. I so enjoyed learning all about your families...and the kiddos loved sharing!

Sharing their sweet family houses!

Our fun weekly poem! I have added a class picture list along with their names to the poetry folder so you can practice these sweet poems throughout the year!

Fingerprints and families! I just treasure these sweet things!

Oh so proud!

Such sweet friends!

Bubble Time!

Looking closely at the butterfly they caught. We were able to pass it around and let many of the kiddos hold it before it flew off!

Counting our family members. This is a great skill to build their 1:1 correspondence (1:1 counting). At this age it is a tough skill. Often their fingers move slower than they can count. So we will work on building a strong foundation on this throughout the year. You can have them help you count at home!  

Letter Ff practice. Even as we learn about the letters we are also beginning to work on that pencil grip. As the year goes on I will give you some great ideas on how to help foster this skill. 

Picture Perfect! The kiddos get so proud to frame their sweet families! I love sending treasures like this home!

Time for our friendship recipe. We talked about what makes a wonderful friend and then made our concoction. 

Everyone got to add to it! We are all friends and treat everyone with love in our hearts!
Puppet show time!

Decorating our friend frames! 

Legos and dinosaurs..oh my!

building a marble run...such great engineers!

Ok parents! Take a close look! This may not look like anything special...but this is HUGE!! Peeling stickers (especially ones like this) is very challenging for these tiny fingers. It is also such an important skill to strengthen those sweet hands. A super duper fine motor skill!

So proud!

Diving into a good book with friends...

She shared her bucket and her sweet voice! This precious gal gave us a treat and sang!

This love shared his favorite book! We LOVE Dr. Seuss! 

All about #1 They loved pretending to be a train and shouting out "!" every time our fingers touched it!

Ff is for feathers!

letter hunt...such great detectives. I LOVE this activity. By the end of the year these kiddos master this sheet and can finish it independently in about 5 seconds! I love how they grow throughout the year!

Our bible verse bracelets and celebration that Jesus is our friend!
Here is the website I use to teach kiddos about our weekly verses...

We cooked our "friendship recipe" over night... And this is how it came out!

We are all friends here!
Next week we will be learning about Pets!

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