Friday, January 17, 2014

Winter Animals, 9, and the letter B!

Welcome back this week! We accomplished so much in such in such a little time! It amazes me how much these kiddos have grown in just a short time. They have become so smart and so independent!
Our new table tops for the new year. These will help focus on fine motor and  will be educational.

Beading our names. The challenge is not only to put them in the right order but to thread them through the sting.

Super work...and so focused!

We have  3 letter puzzles that follow the CVC pattern (consenant, vowel, consenant). This is what the kiddos will be able to read first once they learn their sounds (next to simple sight words and their names). Great job friends! All are so engaged!

This one is challenging! Picking up the pom-poms with chopsticks and place them into the container.

Awesome work!

This will help work on eye/hand coordination and muscle strength in their sweet little hands. We will work on this to be done one-handed.

Another CVC game. She needs to roll the dice and find the letter that matches and can make the word. Such a sweet girl...she knows just what to do!

Making patterns with colors and bears. Great job!

One of my favorites. Hot Dots. This is electronic and the kiddos find the matching letter. The Hot Dot pen tells them if they are correct. All of these activities can be done at home! So smart sweet girl!

Our polar bear handprint.
That tickles!

Our independent activity for the day. Blue paint, on blue paper, using special brushes. We LOVE the letter B. The kiddos not only made such priceless work...they were able to follow simple directions like: keep the paint on the paper and don't use too much paint.

They were so creative!

Capitol B and lowercase b word hunt

Thanks to Mrs. Beth for filling in we were able to do other fun activities. They did a letter b game with picture cards, dotted a capitol B and lower case to get the feel of how to make it...and they even traced their names.

Make the Letter B with our dotters.
Working on tracing our names. Writing our names this part of the year is going to be a big focus.

Carpet math activity. They had to count out the buttons for each number from 1-9. They each took turns. We counted together and made great observations. Like: "Each time we add another button our line gets longer."

So smart!

Such great team work! They all wanted a turn!

Tuesday. We began with reading a penguin story and then making a sweet little penguin using our feet. There were so many neat steps that really involed the kiddos.
Cutting. Please work on this at home so they can get proper scissor form. That will give them all the success in the world!

Using glue sticks to put on the penguin's tummy and other body parts!

Great work!
Polar Bear, Polar Bear What do you hear?
The kiddos got to write their names or have us help them.

_________, _______ What do you hear? I hear a _____________ in my ear.

They got to create the rest of the poem that refelected the words in the book. One of my favorite was, "I hear a bird flying in my ear!"

They then added coconut to make the polar bear look fuzzy. A great fine motor skill.
Our Letter Bb 4-box sheet. They made their letter Bb 4 different ways.

We played alphabet bingo. To help us review our letters. Each week we will be doing a few of these type of activities to keep these letters fresh in our minds.

Author Study time! We LOVE Jan Brett and all of her picture clues in her stories! We read "The Hat" on Monday and on Tuesday we read, "The Mitten."

How did that bear fit in the mitten?
After the story we did a retelling activity to check for listening and comprhension.

They took turns coming up to order the characters.

All finished! They then were able to get their own mitten and animal to take home to retell to you! 
What a great week back! We had so much fun and learned so much!

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