Monday, October 29, 2018

Halloween and Fire Safety...

What a fun week! We had lots to cover in a short amount of time!

Hot vs Not Hot sort

Fire safety video 

He tried on the fire suit to show that he is the same guy with the suit on 

High Fives all around!

Checking out this fire safety machine!

a class photo with our local heroes! 

This sweet gal brought in a super cute Halloween snack!

Finger painting time! 

Adding spots to our fire pet...

Working together as a team to put this puzzle together!

sticker time! You know how I love those tiny fingers peeling tiny stickers! 

candy corn counting...

What are we for Halloween??

Time for trick-or-treating at the at our neighbor stores!

StyleHeir is now open! Mamas...check it out!

Party time!!!
Snack creation...

crafting! Making mummies...

bowling at the game station...

Making popcorn hands...
I'm not sure who ate more or them!

What a fun and successful week! Huge thank you to all the parents that volunteered and planned the party...and I couldn't have done it without you!

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