Tuesday, December 5, 2017

all wrapped up with Trees and gingerbread!

What a great week...I was bummed to miss Thursday but so many great things happened! The kiddos worked on the letter Gg, played counting games, and even tasted gingerbread!

A sweet gingerbread for your tree!

Fun in the Minds-in-Motion Room...

Here they picked a card...then used plastic tweezers to pick up  pom-poms. A great way to count, match, and strengthen those tiny hands! 

These kiddos got to visit Ms. Rachel's room...and make gingerbread cookies! Yum!!

We used our sweet fingers to make strands of lights...I then got to wrap them up in sweet lights! 

This sweet boy looks super thrilled! :)  

What part of the gingerbread cookie did you bite first??

Our results...most nibbled the head first!

Working on Tracing skills...

hand prints and glitter to make some sweet trees!

Staircase counting...adding "lights" to the tree. 

Great 1:1 counting!

Our sweet Christmas trees...These are in the hallway...but I will send them home soon so you can add another sweet memory to your tree!

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