Sunday, November 15, 2015


I was so bummed to miss Thursday this week...Dinosaur week is so much fun! In the 3 years I have taught...this was my first absence because of a sick kiddo. But, I was so blessed to be able to stay home and take care of my sweet buddy. And who better to lead my class than Mrs. Tracy?!?!

With Mrs. Tracy sure looks like they had an awesome time! Here are some wonderful pictures that she sent me!
Dinosaur Craft!
What a fun way to use toilet paper rolls.

Painting dinosaurs with water colors.

Counting...and just look at that stellar grip! This is one proud teacher!

Yoga Time!

Dinosaur Exploration...

A little Minds-in-Motion...we have some new goodies!

Great balancing sweet buddy!

Mrs. Paula sharing our Christmas Giving Project for the year. I can't wait to hear all about the shoe boxes being filled. This is a time to give! What a great way to set a positive example with our kiddos.

Dd is for dots!

Peeling those dot stickers is super tough...these tiny fingers are getting stronger everyday!

Let's make fossils...

All we need is flour, salt, and water...
Oh...and some super sweet helpers.

Once the dough was made the kiddos got a glob and they had to flatten it out.
We added a dinosaur and pressed down...

Our fossils.
They had to dry for 24 hours so I will send them home next week.

Dinosaur capsules.

We watched as cool dinosaurs emerged from the capsules. We then matched them to the diagram to see which ones we had.

Author study time...
We learned about predictions. I read this story but stopped before we got to the end. Each kiddo predicted how they would get King Bidgood out of the tub. We then read the end of the story and checked our predictions.

They were super creative!

Independent fine motor time.
The kiddos were paleontologists. I had frozen dinosaurs into ice blocks. They each got one to hammer out their own "fossil" They had a blast! For some reason the rest of my pictures of this were turned into a I wasn't able to post them.  

Non-standard units of measurement.
Let's measure dinosaur bones. This is a great activity for several reasons! Let me list them out to you!
1. They have to snap cubes together...fine motor skills!
2. They measure out the length of the bones using cubes...great for eye coordination and measuring concepts
3. Counting the cubes using 1:1 correspondence
4. Identifying the number of cubes it took for each bone! 

Making a dinosaur...using our names.
Here I gave the kiddos triangles (which we talked about what a triangle was) that had the letters of their names on them. They then had to order the letters to make their name.

Of course I didn't have them glue their names down so they could show you what they learned at home! This is a great practice activity for them to learn their names.

More dinosaur exploration.

What a super week! Next week we will be doing Turkeys and Thanksgiving. Talk with your kiddos about being thankful...and what they are thankful for! Have a joyous weekend! Hugs!

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