Sunday, August 16, 2015

It's a New Year!

Welcome parents! We had a wonderful start to a wonderful year. We did so many neat and wonderful things in our room this week. We learned about the letter Mm, the number 1, made crafts, and best of all...enjoyed our friends!
Every morning I begin my class with a morning message and ask a question. Each of the kiddos each day get to come up and answer the questions. Then we count the marks to be sure that each kiddo is accounted for. I did my morning message a bit different this morning. As you can see their emotions were running wild!
We are so special that NO one has a fingerprint like me!

We then read this story to start our week off. It is about a brave little raccoon going to school for the first time!
After reading, The Kissing Hand, we made you kissing hands. We know that you are always with us...and will always come and get us at the end of the day.

Such a big boy...stamping his hand by himself

Our final product...attached was a sweet poem! I was going to add a magnet to the back so you could hang them on your fridge...but I couldn't find mine! So feel free to do that at home!

Ready to play!

Time for a snack and visit with our friends. Before snack we always pray and learn a new bible verse. this week we learned how important it is to love everyone! Everyone is the same (eyes, ears, nose, hands, etc) and different (no one looks entirely the same...just like our fingerprints!)
Here is the link to the website I used for our weekly bible verse

Time for Minds-in-Motion

Mm is for macaroni! I loved this for 2 big reasons...1. it helped them learn the letter and sound in a fun way 2. It is a great fine motor skill for them to pick up those little noodles by 2 finger grasping them!

What do we want to be when we grow up? Here are just a few...don't worry...if I didn't post your kiddos we will see it in their portfolio!


Our self portraits. I do this at the beginning of the year and end. It is amazing to see how their portraits change and become more detailed in just a few short months!

Cheese sweet girl!

They used mirrors to take a look.

Mm is for marshmallows! They practiced tracing the dotted letters. Nice pencil grip pretty girl!

I handed them a few marshmallows and they worked on counting while using 1:1 correspondence (1:1 counting)

1 sticker...a great skill for building those fingers is peeling a sticker! It may seem easy to us...but for them it can be quite difficult...try this at home! Great job buddy!

Mrs. Tracy helping out with seeing "how big" we are at the beginning of the year.

How much will he grow from now until May...I can't wait to see!

Oh so big handprints!

Dress up time! Social play is so important! We get a ton of this during the day (inside and outside)
Check out this Cowboy Sherriff

I love this picture...It reminds me of  the Village People!


Our room wouldn't be the same without some beautiful princesses!

This is our Apple TV...we love to connect technology into our day. It is always educational Here we are watching Storybots...and learning about the number !
As you can see we had an amazing week! I look forward to these kiddos coming back next week! I already have fun things planned for the theme Family & Friends! Hope you all had a blessed weekend!

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