Sunday, February 15, 2015

LOVE is in the air!

What a fun week (I think I always start off my blog with that phrase...but it is so true!) We made lots of lovely gifts for you...worked on the letter Vv and numbers 6,7,8. A huge thank you for the wonderful parents that pulled off the celebration! We have now had 3 amazing parties...and each one of you have helped in making them so wonderful!

Wow! Gumby was sure busy! He is having so many wonderful adventures! He even went to SIGS this week! 

We made the most precious gift for you to treasure forever! Our thumbprints...Using both thumbs we were able to make a sweet little heart imprinted into clay! It said it would take 2-3 days to they should be all done drying!  I loved the sweet poem attached!
I took my tiny thumbprints
And pressed them into dough
So that you could feel my LOVE
No matter where you go!
Happy Valentine’s Day

During our morning message I asked the kiddos to name something they LOVED! We made a list and practiced counting using 1:1 correspondence! 

Watching ABC storybots...Introducing the letter Vv

The kiddos filled up their hearts with tiny pieces! Another fun way to do this is have them tear them themselves! You know...because I LOVE fine motor activities! 

I love you to pieces too! Great job sweet girls!

Just look at that counting! Matching hearts and numbers...completing the puzzle!

A little more counting! We sang and counted our little wiggly fingers!

Our bible verse for the week: "They gave as much as they were able"
We should give as much love as we are able! These kiddos put the words to the verse in order by ordering them for smallest to largest! Great job...she found the first word!

Friends learning how to use stencils! Hope they made you something pretty!

Now this is the look of one determined face! Peeling stickers is a tough job! I know that I don't even have to tell you why I LOVE sticker peeling ;)

Hard at work...great job sweet buddy!

Now parents...this is where I give you some major props! A few weeks ago I had the kiddos order the letters in their name to make a snowman. I had about 5 kiddos that struggled a bit. Not this time! All 14 kids successfully put their letter of their name in the proper order...without my assistance! I can tell that you are working hard with your sweet child at home and it shows! Thank you!!!

A picture perfect love bug!

Pick a color...any color! Hand prints with Mrs. Trina! If you can't read the poem I wrote on the heart it says:
"Children hold their hearts in the palm of our hands!" I was having crazy marker/sharpie trouble!

 Party time!
Who knew candy hearts could be so educational! Sorting, graphing, and counting these yummy treats!

A party isn't a party without sprinkles and icing! Yum...cookie decorating!

It's all about the game! Nice arm sweet girl!

Craft time! Just look at this masterpiece...he did a great job on the heart too! :)

What a great week! Next week we will be studying presidents...who knows...we just may have a future president in our room! Keep warm and see you next week!

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Community Helpers...

As usual we had a wonderful week...along with a few special visitors. The kiddos really got to learn how our jobs help unite a community. This week we covered the number 8 and worked on the letter Cc. Many kiddos want to say that the letter Cc makes an /S/ we spent some time on that!


We began our week with this sweet kiddo sharing his time with Gumby! Boy...did they do a lot of fun things! They ate snacks, watched movies, went on trips...and so much more!
Next we read this sweet story. They gave us clues and the kiddos predicted what the jobs were.

The kiddos then got to tell me what kind of job they would like to do in the community when they got older!

When we were done we tallied them all up. This then made a great math lesson. What did most children many wanted to be a... and we even did a little bit of adding!

Next we chatted about X-rays...who takes them and why we may need them. They made x-rays of their own!

Our weekly game...A fun way to count!

When we grow up...we will help our community by...
These will be added to their portfolios!

Time to play and socialize! A great skill for all kiddos! 

Our local children's librarian visited us!

She sang fun songs!

This sweet face had a blast!
After reading a story on how police officers are helpful community helpers we made police cars of our own!
I am also adding these to their portfolios...just in case you are wondering where they may be!

Did you know that stop lights act as community helpers! So we played "Red light, Green light"

After a while...I stopped using words and they had to pay attention to the color I held up (red...yellow...or green)

"Without the help of the LORD, it is useless to build a home or to guard a city." Psalm 127:1 (CEV)

During our independent station we practiced being veterinarians! 

Did you think you would have a week that I did not show you a fine motor skill? such luck! This activity they worked on color words, we discussed a stop light, and the most important part...tearing paper! Tearing paper helps build the skills of these tiny fingers! The smaller they tear the stronger their fingers are!

Our weekly letter Cc 4-box sheet!

Today our special community helper was a lady and 2 dogs from the local animal shelter! She was amazing!! She focused on dog safety...and how to "greet" a dog that is not yours. 

The kiddos then got to practice their new skills. 1. Ask if you can touch the animal 2. Making a small fist allow the animal to smell you 3. gently pet them.

This week I introduced our newest authors of the month...Jane Yolen and Mark Teague.
Here are the books we read:

Next week our Theme will be Valentines...Oh how I love Valentine's Day! I can't wait to see what the week brings!!