Sunday, December 21, 2014

Baby Jesus...The true meaning of Christmas!

As usual this was a fast and furious week! So much to do in such little time...but some how we seem to manage! This week began assessment time and much to learn about Jesus.

Thursday: much on my mind that I forgot to take pictures of the craft...this is a special one though and one that maybe it is a better surprise that I didn't...hint: it is all wrapped up!

Thank you sweet buddy for a yummy snack! Sorry parents...many had seconds (and possibly thirds)...sending them home with a sugar high! 

We read "The Napping house" By Don and Audrey Wood

We then worked on retelling of the story. I sent this activity home if you want to do something over break! Super fun...and retelling is the beginning stages of reading!!

Nice job sweet girl!

Independent paint time! So thankful for Baby Jesus!


Such a helpful elf! He would help Santa if he were an elf at the North Pole!

Making reindeer food to guide Santa's Sleigh! 

During our Author Study of Don & Audrey Wood...we read this classic! We learned what predictions are and read all of the story but the last page...and then we predicted how King Bidgood got out of the tub!

Each child told me how they would get him out of the tub! Many cute thoughts... For example: Say, "Please"...pull him out...get in the tub... I loved their creative responses!


Ok...So I am having technical problems with the blog. For some reason it won't let me add captions to my pictures for Friday! Ugh! So here's what we are up to...
We decorated our special gift in the morning...and had an independent activity of making bookmarks (you know how I feel about peeling stickers!!!)
During our festivities we...
1. Wrapped our specials gifts to peeking until Christmas!
2. Made gingerbread houses for our snack...yum!!
3. played games (I forgot to snap pictures of the ball toss through Frosty the Snowman)...but here they are blowing "snowballs" across the floor for a race
4. we made these truly awesome plates! They were the talk of the school...and the kiddos were so proud! 

Thank you to the parents that helped make this Christmas celebration so much fun! Valentine's Day is if I haven't gotten to you to help out yet...just wait! ;)

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Polar Express...with some reindeer!

As the Christmas holiday grows near...we are prepping in our class! This week we celebrated the Polar Express...a true Christmas Classic! We also incorporated reindeer with the letter Rr!

Our special visitors from Earth & Fire visited us! We were able to make some beautiful ornaments and priceless memories!

All tied up! I will explain later! Don't worry...this isn't typical LAP protocol! ha!

Our special train snack!

Ordering our names to make our train engine have train cars! I found that this was challenging for a few. It is important to work on left to right ordering. An easy way to work on this is write the kiddos name and give them the letters of their name and have them match it.

Perfect name train car!

Our sweet Rudolph!

Sweet friends helping one another!
I love this activity for so many reasons! Stringing beads=fine motor! Red,White, Red, White=AB patterning! And learning the true meaning of the candy cane=Priceless!

Look at the Candy Cane
What do you see?
Stripes that are red
Like the blood shed for me
White is for my Savior
Who’s sinless and pure!
“J” is for Jesus My Lord, that’s for sure!
Turn it around
And a staff you will see
Jesus my shepherd
Was born for Me!

Making Hot Chocolate paint. This includes, shaving cream, glue, and hot chocolate packets! I had to remind the kiddos not to eat this...there was only 1 who gave it a try! Yikes...I know they won't do that again!

We made masterpieces with this dandy concoction!

We can't have a Polar Express day without Trains! These boys are a team of future engineers! 

Hmmm...this could be part of the reason we were all tied up! You will find out soon enough!

We have our tickets to ride!

Got to get it punched in order to get on!

cookies and hot cocoa are a must (don't forget whipped cream and peppermint marshmallows!)

We watched the "hot chocolate scene" of Polar Express and read the story that began it all!
A must read!

Just look at us in our jammies! We also received bells...and we could hear them ring! We truly believe!

a helpful hint that I sent home to each of you!