Sunday, January 28, 2018

Snow and Ice

This week we learned we were just like snow crystals. We all have so much in common yet no 2 are exactly the same. We also learned that nearly all snow crystals have 6 sides! The kiddos made melted snowman and even cut their very own snowflakes. I began assessing this week and I can very proudly say these kiddos are so smart! We worked on the letter Ii and the number 8.

Week 1 of Gumby and Pokey Adventures!

After reading Sneezy the Snowman...we explained how our snowman melted.

a fun snack of snowman cheese and Popsicles!

letter hunt Ii

Working on our name. We traced it and counted the letters. We will be spending a lot more time of their names.

Independent dot sheet.

decorating snowflakes!

I'm not sure what he is doing...but he is sure cute!
We learned lots about snowflakes this morning and Snowflake Bently. He was the first to photograph an actual snowflake. We looked at many real photographs and counted their sides.

Beading snowflakes. A fun fine motor task.

Making his name. He did a great job matching hi letters.

1:1 counting and displaying the value of 8.

puzzles with shapes.

Fun reading magazines.

Science time. We got to learn about salt and sand melting ice. This is why we have salt trucks. I told them about me living in Texas and not having salt trucks but sand trucks instead. 

They got to melt ice. They had a blast.

What a fun week! Get ready to blast off next week with Space!

Monday, January 22, 2018

Winter Animals....

This week we discovered how winter animal stay warm and which animals like snow and which ones don't. We worked on the letter Ww and the number 7.

Cleaning up those sweet hands...

Who knew making polar bears could be so ticklish!?

What a great letter detective...looking for all those Ww's

Polar Bear, Polar Bear What do you hear?

Independent dot sheet...
Puffy Penguins...

shape coloring sheet. We went over this as a class and then they attempted to do it independently (I had the key pre-colored.) I was surprised how well they did! Great job kiddos!

If I were a penguin...

Using a 10 frame they added 7 penguins. 
and glued them on!


Look what they found...winter animals!

Science time.
We put one hand in cold water..and the other in a baggie with vegetable shorting in it and called it "blubber" We talked about which hand was warmer in the water...

Some fun science time!!